Our goal is to finish every round in 4 hours 15 minutes or less


  • Finish every hole in 15 minutes or less.
  • Be aware of your position on the course:
  • If the group behind you is waiting and you can’t see the group in front of you . . . YOU’RE BEHIND!
  • Play promptly. Take 30 seconds, maximum, to hit your shot.
  • Play ready golf. Disregard “honors” except for birdies.
  • When you arrive at the tee box, be prepared to tee off. NEVER hold up play because you are in the middle of a conversation.
  • Line your putt up while while others are putting.
  • Putt out if your lag putt is near the hole, if practical. Marking and placing the ball takes more time.
  • When you have finished playing a hole, proceed promptly to the next tee: do your scoring, replace club covers etc. at the tee.
  • Do not spend excessive time looking for lost balls. Officially, you have 3 minutes, per WCSGA Local Rules, but if you can’t find it in a minute or two, it’s probably lost so take a drop.


  • One slow player can spoil the day for everyone, Every player in a group should do their best to make sure the group plays quickly.